The New Home Energy Model is Ridiculous and the Wrong Approach

The Home Energy Model (the Latest Stupid Plan to Make People Cold in Their Own Homes and to Shake Down Taxpayers for more Subsidies for Renewables)

Thought the Nut Zero stuff on energy performance certificates had been canned with the PM’s announcement of abandoning plans for a minimum Energy Performance Certificate grade of C in all rental properties by 2028?

Well, we did tell you not to celebrate too soon didn’t we.

Under government plans, (no one seems to get a vote on this creeping nonsense in parliament), a new Home Energy Model is set to replace the Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) – and according to the NRLA, the landlords’ organisation, this could see costs skyrocket for homeowners and landlords alike, as well as their tenants.

Homes will need to undergo extra checks as part of the new system, with the additional time it will take assessors to carry out the work reflected in higher bills.

The replacement Home Energy Model will see assessors:

  • Measure all windows at a property, rather than relying on assumptions about age.
  • Carry out additional assessment of rooms in a roof.
  • Introduce a new age band from 2023 onwards.
  • Take account of the use of power diverters and battery storage used in conjunction with solar panels.
  • Recommend the use of cold pumps (our name for “heat pumps”) more often.

Energy efficiency is, at present, based on the efficiency of heating a building that uses gas, as this has been the cheapest and the most effective form of heating.

But when landlords made “improvements” to their properties by moving to electric heating systems via say a heat pump, they have seen their EPC score fall and whoever pays the bill, (usually the tenants), end up paying a lot more to keep warm, or having to put a few more jumpers and a thick coat on instead.

So, now, ministers want to change the framework to instead focus on carbon emissions, so I guess this effectively officially embeds in the impoverishment of whoever pays the bill.

It is all to satisfy the supposedly “settled science” that the earth is heating and it is all man’s fault, so if people have to pay more for their heating, (and/ or the taxpayer has to fork out even more to subsidise the energy bit of the new world order built on windmills and solar farms), then so be it.

The new model assessments of each property will provide information as to what improvement work is possible, so no doubt there will be some enforcement.

I expect landlords to be coerced to get in line and if they don’t comply, they will again be told they cannot let out their property anymore.

The government is “consulting” on this but hang on a minute, the assessors are already being trained on the new system, which under the implementation plan, sorry “proposal” is to be introduced from April 2025.

The NRLA backs the proposals to “decarbonise heating” and is “pleased with the new system”.

Well, fancy that, of course they would back it, because anyone who does not get on board with the whole climateaggedon thing will certainly lose their spot at the table at Westminster when policies on housing are being considered.  That’s just how things work.

It is pathetic, but don’t expect any better from Labour or the Lib Dems. They are both as happy as the idiotic Conservatives to carry out the instructions coming out from Davos, Brussels and Washington – proposals that on energy will impoverish all energy bill payers and taxpayers (who are already busily subsidising the Net Zero part of the Great Reset agenda).

Our view: By all means, incentivise to better insulate properties, but don’t force heat cold pumps on people – they simply do not work in older properties and make them harder to heat. And don’t force expensive electricity on homeowners and taxpayers, when gas is so much cheaper.  Finally, get on with building some nuclear capacity and have a look at tidal.  


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