How Not to Market to Private Landlords and the Private Rented Sector

Landlord readers of this column will know that LettingFocus’s stance these days is now very much built around consulting with organisations who sell products and services to the private rented sector. Basically we tell them how to do it better! Our two biggest client groups are banks / financial institutions who sell mortgage loans to landlords (commonly known as “buy […]

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Mortgage Fraud Buy to Let Lending and Property Clubs

My blog post last week (about what mortgage companies could do to support landlords more), generated 27 emails from managers at buy to let mortgage lenders and ten from landlords. One aspect that I referred to, in passing, was how the mortgage lenders had been “behind the play” in terms of understanding how bad buy to let mortgage lending and […]

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Landlords Still Wait for Advice from Buy to Let Mortgage Companies

Mortgage companies writing buy to let mortgages could do more to reduce the possibility of future arrears. It is a subject that we have written about extensively before at this blog, not least because the activities of the lenders exasperates not just would be borrowers but also mortgage brokers who often find many of the activities of the lenders hard […]

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Landlords Insurance Shop Around for Buy to Let Insurance Plus a Look at New Markets for Landlord Insurers

Insurance is an area where competition is rife in the private rented sector. This means it is an area where landlords should be shopping around. But it is also a product where the providers of insurance should widen their marketing activity too as they could easily open up new markets. For landlords in the private rented sector, the two big […]

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Repeat and Renewal Letting Fees and Why Landlords Should Not Wait to Claim Unfair Charges Following OFT Ruling against Foxtons

Strangely, two consulting clients – one at a bank, the other at a local authority – both asked me the same question today: What mistakes do private landlords make most often? This is an easy one to answer because there are two really common mistakes that amateur (and some pro) landlords make. The first one is that, all too often, […]

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The Future for Buy to Let Loans and Mortgages

Whilst one or two new lenders have appeared on the blocks in the last quarter of 2010, the overall picture of availability of mortgages in the world of buy to let lending still looks pretty subdued. It is not so much the level of interest rates (which are low by historic standards) that is the problem. Rather, it is the […]

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2011 and the Outlook for the Housing Market, for Landlords and for the Buy to Let Sector

In the last year the private rented sector continued to be in the news. At we are not surprised and landords and suppliers to the private rented sector should not be surprised either. A key reason is of course Housing Benefit, (or Local Housing Allowance (LHA) as it is known when private landlords are involved), and it is the […]

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Mortgage Arrangement Fees, the HMRC and Tax

As soon as the last of turkey sandwiches have been consumed, the January 31st deadline for filing tax returns for the year ending the previous  April 6th begins to loom and landlords start to think about preparing the dreaded tax return. One of the biggest deductions that they will all make will be the interest costs on their buy to […]

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Will the Private Rented Sector Initiative PRSI and Build to Let Ever Take Off

If you asked a group of private landlords what they understood about the term “private rented sector initiative” (or PRSI) you would get a blank look from most. And yet, this could be one of the biggest threats that the UK’s private landlords currently faces. In summary, the PRSI is about getting city investors such as pension funds to invest […]

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The Main Media Doesn’t Understand Private Landlords and Suppliers to the Private Rented Sector Could Market to It Better

Does the media “get” the private rented sector? Do they understand the market? I’m afraid the answer to this is often “No” On Sundays we always buy a “chunky” Sunday paper for the main reason my son wants to read the Sports pages and my partner wants a TV guide and to tut about the stick thin models in the […]

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