Don’t Get Property Knowledge (or knowledge about much else) Just From Mainstream News Sources

“Those who are afraid of taking risks usually end up working for those who are not afraid to take risks”.

I am not sure who originally said that, but I rather like the quote.

And it is true.

I mentioned before that I have an elderly aunt who gets all her news from The Times newspaper and the BBC.

She does not have dementia as far as I am aware, but that does not stop us having the same phone conversation every week, a situation made worse by the fact she still lives in fear of Covid and never goes out to do anything new to talk about. (Perhaps this is something to do with her news sources, more on that below).

Every week she will say, “How is it in your business? I see things are getting pretty hard for landlords”.

Mmm, well, yes, I suppose they are if you borrowed too much relative to your assets, have not invested and generally don’t know what you are doing.

But, whilst things have got tougher especially in relation to increased taxes, (which tends to happen when a business sector is successful and the government wants their slice of pie) and more regulation, (the government busy bodies also like to get involved to ensure everyone is “safe”), the private rented sector is actually in pretty good health.

Soaring rents have made up for the pain of higher taxes and increased regulation.

Go back thirty five years to when I started in the private rented sector. Most of the time between then and now, most people I knew then said, “Ooh, I would not want to be in property or be a landlord” and would come up with all the things they would worry about. Often it was to do with the fear of difficult tenants and being called up late at night with some problem or other.

Well, I have only ever got one call after hours in over thirty five years of letting multiple properties – and I have had very few difficult tenants.

Here is the reality. You must take some risks in life.

But here is another reality. The business of being a landlord is not that risky. It is hardly akin to setting up a business that involves stock, machinery and staff.

In fact, I would say the risks are tiny in property if you know what you are doing.

So, back then, I did a bit of research, (not too much), I ignored the ill-informed nonsense in the papers and TV and looked at information from sources who knew what they were doing, from real property experts – and I found out that I did not have to know too much. And once I knew what was involved, I realised I could easily do this.

So, I became a landlord, I became a property person.

And I became successful at it.

All the “worriers” from back then, (like me, many are in their 60s now), mostly still work for someone else and must dance to their boss’s tune. I get up when I want, probably work a day and a half week on the property business and choose when I do the work that needs doing.

I often think it is the same with Covid over the last few years.

With Covid, I did not trust the mainstream news sources, such as The Times and BBC, though this was not because I did not then distrust them as a news source historically.

In fact, over the course of my life I DID trust them as a general news source (though not about property) and used to encourage my son to watch the BBC News too and read The Times to “find out what was going on”. (Now he is grown up he often reminds me of this fact).

No, the main reason I did not trust them over Covid was because I had already seen in early March 2020, that the real science sources – respected medics and epidemiologists, had already shown that the risk to me personally from Covid as a fit 60-year-old was vanishingly small and nothing to worry about. I guess everyone else missed this among the tsunami of propaganda.

What I saw from these independent scientists and medics was in marked contrast to all the mainstream news sources who as far as I could see were hell bent on not discussing the real data and actively suppressing dissenting expert voices.

And so, I researched a bit more, realised from the real scientists, (many of whom were continually being banned from the mainstream and from debate), that lockdowns were completely pointless, that face coverings just don’t work, that asymptomatic transmission of a coronavirus type infection is a near-myth, that the PCR test was not fit for purpose (at least in the way it was being used) and hence Track and Trace could never work and was a colossal and truly staggering waste of money that could have paid for 100,000 nurses for ten years.

This led me on to research the control that Big Pharma has over the mainstream media and their narrative, over the World Health Organisation, over health regulators worldwide and over academic research on health, especially in relation to drugs and vaccines. I found out about the links of Big Pharma to Big Tech, to major news media, to global organisations such as the World Economic Forum and about the desire of many in these groups for there to be a society where ordinary people have their lives digitally controlled and a One World technocratic government effectively runs things through global private-public partnerships thus overriding local democracies. In effect, global fascism.

From further research, I found out about the past health disasters caused by Big Pharma – the opioids and Thalidomide scandals are but the tip of that particular iceberg.   

Then the Covid jabs came out – using new MRNA interventions, but still designated as a “vaccine” and approved under “emergency use authorisation”. They were claimed to be “safe and effective”, which is laughable when you know they were produced in about a year and a half.

The “safe and effective” claim was supposed to be taken at face value despite decades of past efforts at making a jab against the common cold coronavirus. These efforts were abandoned around ten years ago.

Oh, and then there is the little matter that the likes of Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna – the firms making this stuff – would accept no liability for damages caused by these novel “vaccines” either. Accepting this was a condition of supply. So, if a government refused to accept those conditions of sale and sign a waiver that they would not sue the manufacturers if people got hurt by these “vaccines”, they would just NOT get the “vaccine”.

Again, the mainstream media were silent over this important point and the public were not informed.

We were also told these “vaccines” could stop you getting Covid and stop you passing it on by no less than President Joe Biden himself and his chief health officer Anthony Fauci, a message that was copied and pasted by our mainstream media with no challenge or open debate. We now know this is a total lie. It always was a lie.

And despite the fact that most people have never heard of the Yellow Card scheme for reporting drug and “vaccine” injuries, nearly half a million people in England and Wales have nevertheless reported an injury, illness or death of a loved one due to the Covid jabs. How many more have not reported their injury, ill health or a death of a loved one due to these jabs because they are not aware of the Yellow Card scheme?

The main media, complicit in pushing these shots, (as they got lots of advertising revenue from the government for acting as “vaccine” marketers), remain mostly quiet on this horror, caught in the headlights of the reality (and the record level of excess deaths from all causes that we are now seeing) despite it being widely discussed on other, still independent media who have managed to evade the censor and available to anyone who can be bothered to click their mouse a few times and look it up on the Office for National Statistics website.

Now there is a new front on the road to control by technology: the climate “emergency” which would appear to be an excuse for control and monitoring of everyone, but this time not based on “vaccine status” but on carbon footprint. I remain a sceptic of that too.

The science is NOT SETTLED. Science never can be. By definition is it open to challenge.

There was a time when 95% of scientists believed the earth was flat and other times when “everyone knew” a host of other things we now know to be stupid. The dissidents then – the whistleblowers and the truth tellers – were denied debate, they were disparaged and worse. Many paid not just with their careers but with their lives.

So, there you are, don’t get your information from mainstream sources with an agenda or, in the case of property from mainstream sources who don’t know the real facts. Do your own research. To help get a range of good, balanced information, it is also always a great idea to follow the money, follow the funding.

Oh by the way, the “worried folk” who I knew back then? They all got the Covid “Vaccine”, of course.

No surprise there!

All our other articles on the Covid Lunacy:

Follow the Current Thing Please – Letting Focus

25th October 2023

The Failures of the Left and Centre, the Supposedly Educated and the Media – Letting Focus

21st June 2023

Don’t Get Property Knowledge (or knowledge about much else) Just From Mainstream News Sources – Letting Focus

26th April 2023

The Coming Digital Prison and what you can do to try to Prevent it Happening – Letting Focus

22nd December 2022

How the Centre and Left Became Cheerleaders for Huge Global Corporations in the Media, Tech and Pharma and How this was Planned All Along as Part of The Great Reset – Letting Focus

12th October 2022

Digital control, surveillance and the new normal – what will happen next – Letting Focus

6th May 2022

Just How Did They Get Away With Telling All Those Covid Lies – Letting Focus

16th February 2022

The Great Reset and the coming banking crash – Letting Focus

3rd January 2022

MORE covid cult TRUTH….AND SOME nonsense – Letting Focus

15th September 2021

Nationalisation and confiscation of private rented property – Letting Focus

2nd September 2021

New Non Gas BoilerS will cost you more, but Greta Wills It – Letting Focus

7th August 2021

The Covid Lies and who is behind them and what they want – Letting Focus

7th July 2021

Counterblast to Covid and Lockdown zealots – Letting Focus

10th December 2020

Coronavirus covid 19 Our View – Letting Focus

1st April 2020


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TWITTER PAGE Twitter has banned me twice permanently for life. (I was unbanned permanently once, I may be the only person that has ever happened to). The ban is for having “Wrong Thoughts” and “Provoking Quarrels” mainly about coercive Convid injections, “vaccine” mandates and house arrest policies, but they may relent and put me back live again, one of these days: Twitter 


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