Conversations with Normies

Conversations with “Normies”

Without doubt the most distressing thing of the years 2020 to 2024 for me was the way that people who we know and who we thought were discerning types were taken in and are still being taken in by the same propaganda techniques as used before in history by the likes of the Nazis, Soviets and others.

After much deliberation, I decided to write up ten such conversations I had with such people. I call them “Conversations with Normies”. They are a selection of real conversations that I had over a period of four years with people I have known a long time, apart from two of them, which were with strangers. Mostly, they were specific conversations that took place on one day, though in two cases they are summaries of conversations that took place over a longer period.

They reveal the depth of brainwashing carried out in the time of “covid” and after by the media and the government and which is still being carried out today, particularly as regards “climate change” and so called “disinformation”.

I have selected the key issues of most interest from each conversation from my memory.

I know many awake people will recall having similar conversations and may find it a cathartic process to appreciate that they were not alone in having them and feeling the shock they felt at how their friends were taken in by lies and propaganda. So, I hope this helps.

Please feel free to tell your own story in the comments box, if you wish.

Conversation One

This one took place in the early phase of the incarceration – which is my word for “lockdown”, which is a word I refuse to use as it implies prison and that people have committed some sort of crime, which they manifestly have not.

We were chatting with two friends who live in different parts of an English city and who are in a committed relationship that at that time had been going on for about a year. Aged in their 50s, they still lived in different houses and both had kids (both are divorced) and, thus far in their relationship, had not got around to moving in together.

We were speaking on a Zoom call with them (in their different houses) and another couple, who are based in another part of England when news came through that restrictions were to be put in place in one part of their city “because of covid”. Obeying these stupid rules would mean they could not see each other for a bit.

I was astounded to hear that my friends were upset at the prospect of not seeing each other and were seemingly (initially at any rate) going to obey these rules.

It was a huge shock. I simply could not comprehend how the person I had known all these years (and who I thought I knew) was going to obey these daft rules and said so, expressing that the rules were insane, there was no threat to them from covid and they should actively disobey as I had been doing with respect to the restrictions on our liberty that we were supposedly already under in London – where I refused to stay home and never wore a face nappy.

But though they moaned about it and part of them clearly thought the rules were wrong, they were seemingly going to obey them anyway, though later I know that one of them did break them a few times. It was quite a shock. The lady is also a senior GP, which makes it even more dumb that she could believe this was going to achieve anything. Having only known her for a year at the time, I did not forcefully express my views about most GPs and their dereliction of their duty to people at that time. But that is another story and for another time.

Naturally, later on, in 2021, they took at least some of the so called “vaccines”.

Conversation Two

This conversation took place around April or May 2020 with a friend aged early 60s.

Again, it was another Zoom call. He has a family who live close to us, but had been terrified by the news, getting most information from the BBC and The Times – such that they did not come out of their homes and obeyed all the rules. He is a former head teacher and even more concerningly, a magistrate.

It was mainly my wife speaking to this man.

He was convinced that the lives of his whole family – he has two teenage children too – were in grave danger from this terrible plague.

My wife pointed out that he was not in any real danger and his kids certainly were not either. In response, he then quoted about some young, healthy person he had seen on TV who was now very ill from this horrible illness.  

My wife (and I) pointed out that this sort of thing occasionally happened with flu too, but the point was, it was and is extremely rare. I also quoted some information on the hospitalisation rate for people under 60, but he was unmoved, the BBC had told him how it really was and we were fools to think differently.

We saw this man a few more times since. On one occasion we had to go round a side entrance and sit in his garden for a coffee at his house and wash hands with disinfectant first too. And his wife stayed in and did not even come out, so scared was she.

We saw him a few more times, more my wife, than me. The last time we both saw him was at a station where we bumped into him, when we told him we were going up to central London to a protest against forced vaccination of care workers or “lockdowns” (I cannot remember which) he flounced off in a huff.

He has since broken all contact with my wife. My wife is still willing to engage with him, she does not judge people. I, however, refuse to have anything to do with him as long as I live, unless he gives us a full apology. Clearly, he thinks we are deplorable.

Naturally, he, his wife and no doubt all his kids, are jabbed to the max.

Conversation Three

With a lady friend in her early 60s. This conversation was in July 2023.

Originally from the UK, she now lives in the USA and is a retired teacher and she was visiting us. She gets her news back home from CNN.

The conversation turned to covid and jabs. After my wife had queried her views, I had to join in and asked her why she took the jibby jab, as she is a healthy woman in later middle age.

She said, “Heck, well it was killing all these people, so I decided, hell yes, I will get it”.

I then said to her, “Do you actually personally know anyone yourself who got very sick from covid, say requiring hospital treatment or indeed dying?”

She thought very hard for a bit, (clearly it was the first time she had ever been asked this question), then came up with a name of a man who could have been a candidate.

I said, “Did that man have any serious co-morbidities?”

She thought for a bit longer and then remembered he did indeed have a couple of serious co-morbidities.

So, I pressed the point, “So you were being told on your news programme that there was this terrible bug around that was supposedly felling all these previously fit and healthy people, but you didn’t think, “Well, that seems different from what I am seeing with my own eyes?”.

She looked flummoxed, confused and a little angry and sat there for quite a few seconds with her mouth slightly agape then said, as if by way of a get out, “Gee, heck, things were so difficult, I did not know what to think”. 

It is interesting how people can be so bamboozled by lies and propaganda that they end up in a place where they cannot seemingly see the yawning gap between what they are being fed by their so-called “news” and what they can see with their own eyes. Goebbels said, “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”. This has been proved to be the case numerous times through human history and shown to the case in the famous lab-based experiments of Milgram and Asch, looking at conformity and obedience.   

Conversation Four

This conversation took place at various times over the last four years. It was in fact a series of conversations. He is a man in his early -60s. He is a firm believer in the climate and covid cults, but with a slightly questioning mind and married to an open-minded lady. Neither judge people, so hope springs eternal.

What is amusing about him is that in the early days when I sent him some truth over WhatsApp, he would then immediately counter it with something he had read in places like the BBC, The Guardian, Wiki or Full Fact, the latter being one of the many self-appointed fact checkers who are thoroughly compromised – and tell anything but the truth in most cases. I had to point out to him why these sites are unreliable.  

He has had most, if not all the covid jabs, I believe. Sadly, in the last few years he has gone from being a very fit man who enjoyed walking up large Alpine hills and doing lots of cycling to having multiple cardiovascular issues and struggling to walk far. Of course, I cannot say this is due to the covid “vaccines” for sure. But sadly, he is one of three friends I have who has become very ill in the last three years. He is reluctant to consider if the cause could be the “vaccine”, which is a shame because if it was considered as a possibility, a different and more holistic treatment programme could be followed – something his wife is prepared to at least consider.

Of course, the doctors are never going to suggest that the “vaccine” could be the cause. So, he just seems to take more and more drugs for his conditions – and maybe gets more and more covid jabs because his immunity is unsurprisingly compromised, likely by the injections in the first place.

Conversation Five

This conversation took place with an old friend from university in January 2024.

The catalyst for it was the Post Office Horizon IT scandal which suddenly became massive news at the time after a TV channel screened a drama of it called “Mr. Bates v The Post Office”.

I sent my friend a WhatsApp message which said this: “Think about it. This Post Office IT scandal has been going on for over ten years. But now they have made a TV programme about it and suddenly the mainstream media (who have been mostly ignoring it till now), it is the new “current thing”- and everyone is saying, “Oh f**k, look at this, how terrible, who knew before and isn’t it awful that people like poor Mr. Bates had to struggle to get heard and no one listened to him for years. And how awful for the poor postmasters who were locked up, fined, or who have already died or who commuted suicide.”

I equated this to the terrible toll of covid vaccine injuries and death and the climate cult and linked him to an article penned by Professor Angus Dalgleish, a leading oncologist that said this. Professor Dalgleish has been calling for a complete review and immediate cessation of the covid “vaccines” as all the evidence he has seen leads him to conclude they are dangerous and are killing people.

Professor Dalgleish, like many other experts, has been deplatformed, censored online, banned and attacked for voicing these views. Just as people ignored Mr. Bates, so they continue to ignore people like the Professor.

But instead of engaging with the comparison, my friend decided that because Angus Dalgleish was apparently a pro-Brexiteer and took an active political position in UKIP, he was an idiot and not to be listened to about anything.

I know this friend has had at least two covid “vaccines”. I am rather disappointed in him for his ad hominem attack.

Conversation Six

I went to see a care home that my brother thought could be good for my parents. He had already sent photos of him, his wife and my Mum and Dad having a look around, with the “carers” at the home. I was sad to see they all had face nappies on.

I wanted to see the home myself though, so I went down to where it was in Kent one cold morning, having booked an appointment. I was disappointed to be greeted at the door by the manager of the home who was wearing a face nappy and I could see other workers behind her in face nappies too (though, thanks goodness, not the “inmates”). From the door, I could also see some residents behind, with the confused, frightened, sad eyes you nearly always see with people who have advanced dementia, especially when they are not being cared for well and feel scared and confused.

Well, she insisted I wear a face nappy. I said I would not, but rest assured I did not have any illness and, though I doubt the veracity of the PCR tests, I was happy to take a test if that made her feel more comfortable. There was a straight “No” to that.

I explained that there was zero evidence from all the real research done that face nappies work to prevent viruses and pointed out that surgeons working in operating theatres generally only wear them if there is a risk in a particular operation of body matter from the patient shooting up and into their faces. This is because the surgeons know how important it is for their health and ability to think and concentrate to be able to breathe oxygen fully and clearly and not to be re-inhaling their own exhaled CO2.

I said to her, “Don’t the old people hate it that, after a life of seeing faces, they cannot see yours or that of your staff?” She said, “No, they just get used to it”.

I said, “I doubt that very much. But if you insist on believing in anti-science and fairy stories then I am afraid my parents will definitely NOT be coming to this home and they should be taken off the waiting list – and that I would inform my brother and my parents of this decision, taken by me with my authority as their health power of attorney”.

With that I left.

Conversation Seven

In the early days of the non-pandemic, I was taking a break after a hard run when I saw a Chinese lady, aged in her late 20s, walking in the park wearing a face nappy. There was no one around at all.

I went over to her and pointed out these things did not work apart from to make the wearer sick and further, there was no record of anyone ever in the world catching covid from another person outside, though it may be in the air all around us and unavoidable.

She looked straight at me and said with no emotion or smile, “Well, I don’t want to be the first to catch it this way”.

How can you possibly reason with such idiocy?

Conversation Eight

Sadly, this was also with Chinese people, who I am afraid to say seem to have a strange attitude to health and obedience.

As I came out of my house one evening, I was astounded to see two young Chinese people in their early 20s, one male, one female, in running gear and both wearing face nappies. They staggered up my road. As the male had passed my house he staggered further, his legs buckling and gasped for breath on the pavement. His female friend, following behind and I rushed to help him. He eventually took off his face nappy and started to breathe normally, then, once he had recovered put it on again.

I have them both the same lecture I had given their fellow national in the park, they spoke English, but they looked at me blankly, thanked me for the help and concern, but walked away, both with their face nappies fully on again.   

Conversation Nine

With a lady in her late 50s in August 2023. We have known her for many years.

She made the point that in the Spring of 2020 and thereafter, decisions were taken in the “light of incomplete information” and to the best of the government’s ability. In particular, she thought that the death rate from covid, (often referred to as the infection fatality rate) was not known at that time.

This is errant nonsense. The infection fatality rate was known very early in March 2020, mainly from the impact of covid on the cruise ship, “Diamond Princess”, which docked at Yokohama port, but also from the early infection to fatality rates observed in northern Italy.

Professor John Ioannidis, a very expert and highly regarded epidemiologist from Stanford University in the USA concluded in April 2020 that 99.9987% of under 20s and 97.1% of the elderly survive covid! You can see this in the table below.

But even a month earlier, back in March 2020, he was already close to the final figure and had worked out that covid would kill just 0.15% of those who got it, varying from 0.3-0.4% in Europe and the Americas and 0.05% in Asia and Africa, which has a younger demographic.

Of course, it is worth bearing in mind that he and others also knew at that time that 95% of people who died WITH COVID had at least two other underlying co-morbidities, so if you did not have two or more co-morbidities, your chances of dying WITH COVID would be significantly less even than the numbers shown in the table, roughly by a factor of ten to 20, depending on age. 


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So, why did my friend not know the true risk with covid was so tiny?

Well, the fact is, it seems that by 20th March 2020, the decision had been taken by the globalist WHO in league with most national governments that the true figures, as calculated by the likes of Professor John Ioannidis, would be suppressed in the media – both mainstream and social media – and every effort would be made to ensure that the public would not be made aware of them. This would be achieved by using financial and political leverage on mainstream and social media to orchestrate a fear campaign, with the same media benefitting substantially from the advertising spend unleashed by the governments of most countries to shock the public into believing covid was some sort of deadly plague.

Social media firms who complied (and all the big ones did) would get an easy ride with respect to the regulation of their industries, which was then and still is a very live issue.

From that time, the real information on death rates from covid was to be hidden from the public.

Of course, it was still findable if you looked very tenaciously, but it was difficult to locate and access due to a campaign of outright censorship and deplatforming of non-compliant medics and scientists and by a systematic shadow banning of independent news and health reports by search engines.

If you were not already plugged into sources of “not-to-be-coerced” independent media, you would face a big struggle to find the true death rate.

Most people trust their governments not to lie to them, so most people believed them. And most governments have never lied on this scale before. But they did and they still are lying today.

The lies about the death rate were just some of the lies among many that was inflicted on the public “during covid” and since. Clare Craig’s book, “Expired – Covid, the Untold Story” is an excellent book, which explodes most of the myths. Her second book is out soon and will look at the myths about the so-called covid “vaccine”.

Some of my other articles – see the links below – explore WHY most of the world’s governments lied, why they are STILL lying and what is the purpose and end goal behind the lies about covid and the other lies we see today along with the continued censorship and increased erosion of free speech that characterise these current times.  

To accept the reasons why the government’s lied and still do and to understand the purpose behind the lies, ongoing censorship of free speech and real science and how search engine and social media shadow banning works, is sadly just too much for some people to accept. Most have no awareness it even happened, is still happening and refuse to consider the objectives behind it. 

One interesting aspect to consider is how the likes of Google and Facebook are somehow allowed to be such monopolies in their markets without any intervention from the authorities, who in most other marketplaces, are concerned about market dominance and often seek to restrict and/or break up monopolies. Yet, no such restrictions seem to apply to these organisations. 

I suggest this absence of control of the monopolies they enjoy is a clear reward for their agreeing to carry out the agenda of restricting the voice of “lockdown” and “vaccine” critics via the various methods available to them. They continue to oppose those fighting against free speech restrictions and censorship, not just related to covid but also to many other matters, both national and international, especially “climate change”.

Naturally, this lady had the covid “vaccines” too, though I believe she stopped at two.

Conversation Ten

This was the hardest conversation one of all as it was with someone who was formerly a good friend of mine from my football playing and whom I always thought was someone who could really look at things sensibly and think laterally and in clever ways.

It was on a Zoom call in summer 2021 after the clot shot “vaccine” had come out. The call was four-way, with this friend and two other people.

During the call, he criticised my decision to swerve the “vaccine”. I explained the many reasons why, in my view, it was dangerous and unproven technology, still in an experimental phase and why I thought as a healthy 58-year-old I did not need to fear covid anyway. I explained that the pharma companies had admitted and the the early evidence showed that it did not stop you getting it nor stop you spreading it to others, so it was pointless. I probably pointed out big pharma’s long track record of malfeasance, fraud and yes, injuring and killing people with drugs that were far less rushed to market than this.

But he kept shouting me down, so I terminated the call. (I know this man’s sister is a nurse in the NHS, I can only imagine she was utterly brainwashed, as the majority are – perhaps readers remember the NHS staffs’ sickening TikTok dance routines – this must have effected his usual clear thinking).

In the years since, he has tried to “cross the bridge”, but I have told him I will not engage with him until he apologises fully for what he said, his assault on my rights and in his case how he should wise up to the fact that he was and is very wrong.

There are many other conversations too – like the chap I play football (still do) with who was happy to sit close in a big group at a table, but felt he had to put a face nappy on to walk through the empty pub because “it was the rules”, then there was the shock for me of sitting in the pub after my vets football game and hearing that most of the other people had put themselves on the useless test and trace system+ and, of course, many, many other face-ups and set-tos with face nappy Nazis and other assorted idiots. They are too many to mention.

(+ The cost of the track and trace system was £39bn, which is the salaries of 100,000 nurses for ten years. There is zero evidence it prevented a single death).

I am sure many people will have had similar experiences and suffered the same distress I did at the way their friends were so easily taken in by lies and psychological techniques. Please feel free to tell your story in the comments box if you wish.

Update 3rd Feb 2023: Some nice comments added here, please scroll past the byline here and read them. Feel free to add your own comments.

All our other articles on the Covid Lunacy:

Follow the Current Thing Please – Letting Focus

25th October 2023

The Failures of the Left and Centre, the Supposedly Educated and the Media – Letting Focus

21st June 2023

Don’t Get Property Knowledge (or knowledge about much else) Just From Mainstream News Sources – Letting Focus

26th April 2023

The Coming Digital Prison and what you can do to try to Prevent it Happening – Letting Focus

22nd December 2022

How the Centre and Left Became Cheerleaders for Huge Global Corporations in the Media, Tech and Pharma and How this was Planned All Along as Part of The Great Reset – Letting Focus

12th October 2022

Digital control, surveillance and the new normal – what will happen next – Letting Focus

6th May 2022

Just How Did They Get Away With Telling All Those Covid Lies – Letting Focus

16th February 2022

The Great Reset and the coming banking crash – Letting Focus

3rd January 2022

MORE covid cult TRUTH….AND SOME nonsense – Letting Focus

15th September 2021

Nationalisation and confiscation of private rented property – Letting Focus

2nd September 2021

New Non Gas BoilerS will cost you more, but Greta Wills It – Letting Focus

7th August 2021

The Covid Lies and who is behind them and what they want – Letting Focus

7th July 2021

Counterblast to Covid and Lockdown zealots – Letting Focus

10th December 2020

Coronavirus covid 19 Our View – Letting Focus

1st April 2020


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TWITTER PAGE Twitter has banned me twice permanently for life. (I was unbanned permanently once, I may be the only person that has ever happened to!?). The ban is for having “Wrong Thoughts” and “Provoking Quarrels” mainly about coercive Convid injections, “vaccine” mandates and house arrest policies, but they may relent and put me back live again, one of these days and when I can be bothered to appeal: Twitter 


  • Thank you Mr. Lawrenson for publishing these conversations. Sadly all too expected.

    When the incarceration began with dire warnings of not travelling (I am 76, on no medications and moderately fit) neither my wife of 63yrs nor myself took any notice of ‘staying home’. We live deep in rural England and basic shopping for commodities took place as it did before, and with an inbuilt scepticism of vaccines and their effects, we remain un-jabbed. We also remain without any illnesses, though we have come into contact with several folk who have been jabbed.

    Whilst retired and spending long periods at home and therefore not mixing with people at large, I have no fear of doing so when I do go out. My wife works part-time in a charity shop, and has therefore come into contact with scores of people on a daily basis. No illnesses have occurred. The useless plastic screen in the shop was taken down early last year to everyone’s relief, staff and clients alike. Yet still there are one or two clients who wear masks.

    Several of the voluntary helpers (female pensioners mostly) at the shop are all jabbed, and eagerly talk of the next booster to come, though masks have been discarded. Their frequency of ‘having a bad cold/covid’ and not coming in for a bit, is high.

    When the virus scare began, my wife’s sister joined the NHS stabbing team, as she had previously worked for the NHS as an ambulance driver. She was (and still is) fully ‘on board’ with getting as many people jabbed as possible, coercing her own offspring and their individual families into getting jabbed. There have been developments; My S-i-Law has suffered many instances of having covid, taking many weeks off work as a result, she is seldom without a cold or ‘covid’. One of her jabbed daughters has failed to become pregnant though trying hard. It doesn’t seem to be happening.

    My eldest daughter (36yrs) and her partner have been coerced into getting jabbed by the partners Mother. Both have had repeated colds/covid, and while my daughter has received two jabs, she is adamant she will have no more. The Mother of the partner has every booster available. Not long after her jabbing ‘campaign’, she was diagnosed with cancer and is receiving the usual treatments, with surgery on the horizon.

    Our circle of friends and relations are small, and whilst we have not directly heard of any deaths, there have been some through the links of the volunteer workers at the charity shop, mostly of those who were jabbed, but all within the 60 – 80yrs age group. Some have had co-morbidities.

    I have had a couple of letters over the past three years inviting me to attend the local surgery for pneumonia; flu; shingles and covid jabs – all ignored. I get texts from the local surgery too (very few), all ignored.

    We both, my wife and I, maintain communication with family, but the conversation is generally away from the jabbing, if only to ‘keep the peace’. It has become a ‘religion’, as has the climate change doctrine, and I am not surprised the two disciplines share common adherents. As Goering stated: “Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes a truth”.


    Derek Reynolds.

    • Super post Derek, well done.

      Personally, I have had three friends effected. Two have developed cancer and one other now with a serious cardio vascular conditions. They are all in mid 50s to mid 60s, (I am 61), all previously fit people.
      And my Dad was stabbed despite my clear wishes (he has dementia and no capacity), but they did it anyway. He collapsed two days after, took to bed, stopped eating and died 6 weeks later in early December. 2023. He was old, aged 96, but I suspect the damn injection was responsible. The NHS admit they made an error and cannot explain what happened and why he was injected and I am pursuing it with ombudsman initially, but assessing other actions too.

      Thanks v much for getting in touch.

  • Having read this all I can say is thank u for sharing . I too had many distressing experiences and spoke out at my frontline job against vaccines !! My one ally and myself were shouted at and told we were nutters !!! Plus two friends had major injury after one jab so that cemented my views big time. Still now I do not discuss it with family in the States who has PHD in Microbiology and totally supports vaccines to the hilt !!! It’s like the elephant in the room !!!! I saw the lies from the start and resisting every step of the way

  • I believed it! Initially. I’d read of the mysterious death of a Chinese man in Nov.’19 and if this could be Disease X long expected. When all the talk came in early ’20 I was prepared to go along with it. Never interested in political machinations, not until an unexpected and unwelcome personal involvement with it at the turn of the century, then the expenses scandal and finally the aftermath of the vote to leave EU did I finally start trying to learn all the important things that I’d paid scant attention to over a lifetime. It dawned on me during the ‘3 weeks to flatten the curve’ that people were catching covid and surviving. Not a death sentence after all. The elderly that usually succumbed to flu were now dying of covid, not flu we were told. I woke up in April ’20 and in many ways it was quite shattering. Everyone I knew and thought of as ‘just like me’ was suddenly quite hostile when I asked them if they thought they were being conned. I felt as if I was suddenly in a sci fi with everyone I knew being taken over by aliens. I was sad to say goodbye to some online friends I’d known for 20 years. This was a closed forum and we all had our real names, postal addresses and knew a lot of intimate details just as friends in the physical world. We’d laughed,cried and celebrated each other’s milestones and I missed them but we were used to speaking our minds and I couldn’t keep quiet on the ‘taboo’ subject. I did keep all my other friends, thankfully, but we skirt round some subjects. I don’t think any of them, even now are fully aware of the dangers that’s coming our way shortly. By giving into the shutdowns and taking their experimental injections thereby indicating to TPTB that we’re a compliant country and ready for the ‘climate change’ damage to our wellbeing, the destruction of our green and pleasant land, the hordes of daily invaders, all of the drip, drip ‘laws’ gradually reducing our freedom, they just don’t realise covid was merely the test run.
    On a recent episode of UKC, Mike Robinson was taken with something he’d seen. In the style of a handwritten note the words, ‘what can I do? I am just one person’ underneath that it had, “said 7 billion people”. I was equally impressed by that. Today there are many examples of people waking up to the totalitarianism creeping faster but we’re widely dispersed and have no organised leader(s) that can find a way to collect us into a cohesive rebel army. With bodies carefully selected and placed in govt/charitable/think tanks/quangos/ even the judicial institutions, I despair at how we’re going to fight back.

    • Thank you Kathy,

      A very good contribution, I wonder if you found me via the TCW?
      What is good to keep in mind is that my estimate, from attending protest marches and from my own Stand in the Park Group (now morphed into Sit in the Pub for the winter) and from the many awake people I have met from wearing my visible protest T shirts around, is that I conclude that at least 85 per cent have awakened only since March 2020, and yes I am one of them. The reality is that, though we are still small in number, no one is joining the other side and a slow trickle is joining our side. Keep the faith.

  • Great Work David, thank you.

    Well, part of the reason why I no longer have a relationship with my family is because of this scamdemic. But really, it was a wheat from chaff experience and for the wheat that have survived relationship-wise, I know that I am now surrounded by people with integrity and loyalty.

    A couple of my experiences;

    1. I was in the local Cost Cutter, maybe late 2020, standing in line and struck up a conversation with someone who I could tell was not convinced about all the nonsense. The massive face-nappy guy at the front of the queue over heard and started to get very aggressive about me being a “Covidiot” or something equally stupid as an insult and given I was not backing down from his aggressive attitude (though not being aggressive myself) he was going into a rage and threatening to smack me about. Of course it was quite terrifying at the time, but really, this massive guy who clearly thought he was so tough and yet so incredibly scared of getting a runny nose was considering to lay his hands on me at the risk of my bloodshed to “teach me a lesson”? I guess so long as he sacrificed himself to the jab-god afterwards he would be fine.

    2. I was at the local clinic where I was getting an xray on my back. I was in much pain and was struggling to walk and had a crutch. As I approached the xray room, the radiographer, who was wearing a mask and a face visor and a surgical apron and latex gloves asked me to wear a mask. I said “no thank you”, and she then wanted to know if I had taken the jab, to which I said I had no requirement to tell her. She then refused to give me the xray. Stating she had to “protect” her family. I asked for her name and told her I would make complaint. The NHS staff have an oath that requires them to not refuse medical assistance to anyone, unless of course there is a fake pandemic it seems. I reported her anyway.

    There are too many dire experiences to mention, but a really painful one was whereby my 6 yrold daughter was being refused to see me by the Narc ex because she (the ex) tested positive. This was somehow reasonable even though clearly I am an adult and can make my own choices for my health. The Narc said it was civil duty or some similar Nazis expression.

    There is no reason or rhyme it seems to the type of person who fell for this crap, and still do. You see all the Hells Angels and punk types wearing their face nappies, and you begin to realise it is all fashion. It is an inner guidance that separates those awake and not, and those of us who refused to ever wear one of those slave-gags have suffered the most. We do and did so not for “the collective”, but for our own dignity and sense of what is true and right. I fear for the future that my young daughter will experience, but I am intent on making sure she learns how to think for herself.

    Stay strong everyone.

  • Hi David, i found you here from TCW, thankyou so much for summarising those conversations.

    I’m a humble tanker driver and have been truck driving for some 48 years now, truck drivers are usually a bloody minded group whom if in a group you’d be lucky to find two who agreed about anything, or so i thought.

    My fine wife of Latin descent had an awful childhood and from those days has a healthy distrust of authority, and an incredibly short fuse :-), she saw through this right from the start, but it was around week 2 of 3 weeks to flatten the curve that we smelled a pile of rotting rats.
    We didn’t have any jabs and thankfully my daughter, without any influence from us, is independent minded and decided for herself this was wrong, however it was when they wheeled the late Queen out to tell us we were selfish for not taking the jabs that really brought her rebelious nature out, yes she’s been on multiple freedom marches.

    My son and his family sadly are all jabbed, as is my stepdaughter and her partner, i pray for them all that they won’t suffer bad consequences of taking part in the experiment.

    Its been a funny old time, i made it quite clear at work and elsewhere what my feelings were, we didn’t mask and to be fair the few times asked by security once explained as exempt no further issues, i did once get shouted at across a motorway service car park (irony of open air not computing eh) but without subtitles have no idea what the twerp was gabbling about.

    Because i’ve been a union member in good unionised jobs for decades i have a different view about unions to the mainstream anti union narrative that has poisoned so many peoples minds, sometimes younger or more timid members need some stronger fellows (and girls) to help them find their ability to say NO.
    I found a number of younger chaps at work and elsewhere seemed to gain strength from my/our refusals to comply, and i/we saved even one from joining the injected throng then i’ll die a happy ‘pure blood’ chap in due course.

    I found during this time i had far more in common with those from former east european states and others, i’ve had good positive conversations with people from various third world countries, far more of foreign extraction knew in their hearts that we were being fed a pack of lies by big pharma and those in their pay, because of my work i get about a lot and into the depths of large factories etc.
    Follow up conversations from those i’ve formed relationships with they inform me of more deaths and serious illnesses than should be expected where they work, all jabbed.

    Now to those who had alternative views, and good luck to them i bear them no ill will so long as they reciprocate, and there’s the rub.
    I became an almost lone voice on one particular forum frequented by truck drivers, been called all sorts of names, it surprised me because i’d always found lorry drivers of old to be rather more beligerent souls than the conformists, but then i am old and there’s a different breed in my game these days.

    I ran into one chap who i’d worked with at several places over the decades, this was just as the first shots were being rolled out.
    He was telling me how he’d volunteered as a guinea pig for early shots, fool, then asked my how my shots were going, i replied i’m not and never will as long i own a certain rear orifice, you should have seen him turn purple with instant rage, became nasty told me i should be taken and forcibly jabbed…s’ok he’s not around any more (wonder why?) so won’t be joining the muliple pundits and second rate celebs who crawled out of the woodwork to tell us we should be ostracised or put in camps or forcibly jabbed or sacked or whatever else these (usually lefties morphing into fascists) people had planned for us in their wettest dreams.

    I often thought during that time just how many of the great and good would have been right at home in black uniforms strutting about, and how many of our fellow plebs would have gone along with whatever they had planned, including violently heading us uncleans onto cattle trucks.
    It was an eye opening period when beneath the veil the true nature of some of these people was revealed, how at home they would have been in Stalin’s Soviet regime or that evil period of 1930 central europe.

    Wifey had discussions with various people that got quite heated at times, meek compliance with what one could see was the makings of a totalitarian state brings out the worst in her, its her defence mechanism from what happened to her when she sees injustice or similar.

    I had a eureka moment during this period.
    I became disillusioned with so many of my own countrymen, (i’m half English/Irish) given how it was barely a handful who didn’t comply with all the dictats.
    Asked a Polish friend why this was so yet those from other countries didn’t comply see easily, he replied that we’ve been lucky in Britain we haven’t been invaded (rubber boats anyone?) or occupied by a totalitarian regime where in other parts of the world if they haven’t witnessed it themselves their parents have told them all about it.
    The scales fell from my eyes, he was absolutely right.

    So, coming up to date, conversations with the conformists family and otherwise the Covid scam is best avoided, they are still convinced by the state machine and there is little can be done to wake them up.
    For the future, i too am worried there’s another scam to be unleashed, whether its another disease or (more likely imho following some cases which appear slightly too convenient) a miracle cancer prevention jab, those who conformed last time will do so again in the main, it just remains to be seen what they come up with to try and force the rest of us to comply.

    Sorry to have waffled on so long David, thankyou for letting me say my piece.


    • Dear Lew,

      What a superb contribution, that is correct on so many levels, I think my head is close to falling off with all the nodding I have just been doing as I read that. You are absolutely bang on the money on everything.
      Thanks very much for taking the trouble to write this down and send it. It is sincerely appreciated and has made my morning.
      Will send you a private email.
      Sincere thanks

  • David, thank you so much for documenting these conversations which serve as a valuable record of the madness of the Covid years. Judging from the comments, many of us who are awake have had similar experiences. My partner and I were excluded from the office for over 2 years because we refused the clot shot. Our jabbed colleagues are now off work much more regularly than in the past often citing yet another bout of Covid. So much for safe and effective!
    A wry smile also crossed my face when reading about the Chinese joggers. I say this as someone who has a long time Chinese partner (fully wake, thankfully!) living in Sydney where there is a large Chinese population, a noticeable minority of whom still parade around town wearing those ludicrous face nappies! Keep up the good work.

    • Excellent comments, thanks Roger. Yes, the Chinese community are an interesting case, not quite sure why they have this odd attitude to face nappies.
      One good thing, I guess, is that despite an insane incarceration of their population, which has helped to cripple their own economy, they at least appeared to give a wide swerve to MRNA “vaccines”. Of course, no one can know the impact of this on their death rate, because stats from China are so untrustworthy. And of course, their insane incarcerations will have hugely lowered incomes, which is of course a factor leading to excess deaths anyway.

  • Well I would have a lot to add here but I don’t have enormous amounts of time currently in my life with a parent who has dementia.

    However I did want to add a few things.

    I am of the same opinion that the Nonsense (as I call it) was a period of time that should worry us enormously. At the very start, my gut instinct told me that the reaction to the outbreak of this virus was wrong. I actually got the virus at the very start (early march 2020) and I remember distinctly being singled out and incriminated on my local friends group chat by a friend who thought I was extremely selfish in still behaving in a normal manner (going into shops etc) once I was feeling a bit better but not yet over the virus fully.

    But that was a pretty insignificant story compared to everything else I experienced and went through.

    During the clap for carers, I too actually joined in the first time it happened. At the time, I was quite innocent about things and hadn’t really thought things through. But after a short while I realised what it really was: a piece of propaganda that Mussolini and Hitler would have been proud of.

    Once the imprisonment started, my mum’s partner closed himself into his house in Cambridge, and did not leave for almost 2 years. As a result of this, my mum and he, who had been together for 25 years, are no longer together. His physical deterioration massively accelerated (he is in his 80s), which goes without saying. My mum’s dementia started during lockdown; I’m not saying that caused it, it was going to happen sooner or later, but not doubt that may have brought it about sooner. Our entire family, as a result of the split between my mum &mum’s partner, has fallen apart. And this all because my mum’s partner took everything that was said through the media as sacrosanct. It was extremely depressing and heart breaking seeing someone close to you, totally get taken in by the brain washing.

    An old assistant of mine, when I used to do office work, used ot finish all her emails with ‘eternal vigilance is the price of liberty ‘. This is a very true saying. Democracy has to be constantly fought for. History never gets fully learned from, or easily forgotten.

    • Thank you Antonio for these excellent comments.
      This is such a sad tale you tell – and the impact on your family is so devastating.
      I very much like the quote at the end too.
      Also I would add to that, that we must never let up and “move on”. Many people, especially the jabbed want to do this, but we must push on and expose – or else the lessons will never be learned. Indeed, I see the same people who fell for the convid and “vaccine” lies have totally fallen for the climate con too. Depressing, but we must work hard to save our fellow less-thinking humans from their own stupidity (and the educated among them seem the most stupid, a fact which Stalin apparently, totally understood).

  • Yes I think you are spot on – I don’t how much intelligence has to do with this, but I do think it comes down to how much more of an individual you are (I e. someone who has not let society or whatever peers you may have condition them to a high extent), that separates those that think from those that accept. So yes, we have to do the thinking for those that don’t.

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